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Pawleys Island, South Carolina, USA
Retired Clinical Microbiologist and US Army Air Assault Infantryman
Hasselblad 500CM, Nikon FTN, F2A, F3HP, F4E, F5, FE-2, Nikkormat FT2, Nikonos V, D850, D750, D500
I started in photography in 1973 and enjoy shooting both film and digital. I am essentially self taught, which in the days of film could get expensive but in the end it gave me a deeper knowledge of photography! Film will always be my passion, especially black and white medium format, though supplies are getting harder to find and expensive so I find myself shooting digital more as time goes by. I have been a "student" of Ansel Adams' Zone System for almost 40 years and I even use it with digital. I am a retired Clinical Microbiologist and am now doing photography professionally part time but on my own schedule. I enjoy it too much to let it get like work!
11/2019 – PresentI have been doing photography since 1972 and still shoot film, mostly in black and white and medium format with the Hasselblad, I am a retired Clinical Microbiologist and am doing professional photography part time. I spend most of my time photographing things that interest me, principally wildlife

Film Hero

High resolution sharer

Nikon Lover

Hasselblad Lover

Model Photographer

Cityscape Hero

Nude Hero

Vintage Hero

Nature Hero

Black & White Hero

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Still Life Hero

Fine Quality

Skilled Photographer

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On Fire

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Animal Hero

Community Curator

Aerial Hero

Vehicle Hero

Fashion Hero

Street Hero

People Hero

Nifty Fifty

Ultra Fast Glass

Astrophotography Hero

Architecture Hero
