
Indiana, USAUSA
visual artist, photographer
Canon 5DM4, Canon EOS R, iPad Pro, Canon 5D, etc


From Kodak Instamatics in the 1970s to a Minolta film camera I had no idea how to use, finally to Panasonics before finding a home in Canon and Leica. I sought to capture something like beauty in the everyday experience.

In 2008 I fell in love with video editing, wandered into model photography instead, dug into art history, waded into digital art on the iPad and tested abstract and neo-modernisms.

Now I'm back to ground Zero. Don't know nothing 🌀


Award Badge

Canon Lover

Award Badge

Model Photographer

Award Badge

Abstract Hero

Award Badge

Fine Quality

Award Badge

Wedding Hero

Award Badge

Landscape Hero

Award Badge

Travel Hero

Award Badge

People Hero

Award Badge

Cover of the Day

Award Badge

Macro Hero

Award Badge

Community Curator

Award Badge

Food Hero

Award Badge

Black & White Hero

Award Badge

Popular Content

Award Badge

Sea & Sand Hero

Award Badge

Architecture Hero

Award Badge

Portrait Hero

Award Badge

Nature Hero

Award Badge


Award Badge

Still Life Hero

Award Badge

Rural Hero

Award Badge

Industrial Hero

Award Badge

Interior Hero

Award Badge

Nude Hero

Award Badge

Fine Art Hero

Award Badge

Vehicle Hero

Award Badge

Urban Hero

Award Badge

Fashion Hero

Award Badge

Sports Hero

Award Badge

Street Hero

Award Badge

On Fire

Award Badge


Award Badge

Nifty Fifty

Award Badge

Ultra Fast Glass

Award Badge

Film Hero

Award Badge

High resolution sharer

Award Badge

Cityscape Hero

Award Badge

Animal Hero

Award Badge

Vintage Hero


Profile Picture

Orlando Gustilo


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