
Helsinki, FinlandFinland
Pentax K5IIs, Pentax17


I have had a passion for photography ever since I took my first photograph using my father’s Agfa Isolette camera when I was 12 years old, and have spent most of my professional life as a biologist and research scientist. During that period photography has in one way or other been part of my life (photo microscopy, macrophotography, documentation). After retiring, I dedicated myself to photography more seriously and now my photographs have been shown in several salons around the world and I and have entered numerous juried contests with success. My background as a life scientist influences the choice of the subjects and many of my photographs are of flowers or landscapes, seldom people. My ability to photograph freely changed in 2010. My left side was paralyzed and nowadays I need somebody (usually my wife helps me) to assist me with tripod, lights etc. I do not use AI!

Follow me instagram@jjhonka, Works for sale at: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/jarmo-honkanen



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Jarmo Honkanen


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