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Iam 60 years old and sinds 2023 with pension. Sinds mine 6th birthday i love photographing nature, animals etc. In the beginning black and white and later in colour. Now that iam not working anymore , i intent too go out in nature, go more to zoo`s in Europe. Photographing planes is also a hobby of mine. I worked in the 80`s for the Dutch Royal Airforce in that time the love for planes started. History of the world is jet again also intressed of mine. Love to read books,walked in nature and listen to music.
Your Exhibition shot Gurushots
07/2023Featured at Galerie Gora in Montreal , Canada. 40 prints and more than 1000 digital photos will be exhibited.
Art of photography Gurushots
07/2023Exhibition Galarie Gora, Montreal, Canada.
Magazine challenge, photogenic
The top-ranked shots will grace the virtual pages of Dodho magazine. Dodho online Magazine( 500 top-ranked photos ).
Mag. challenge, Amazing Animals
Digital Camera Magazine. The 20 highest ranked photos will be published in Digital Camera Magazine. Photos ranked 21- 500 will be published on
Guru`s top pick , Winner.
meerdere awards viewbug
International photograpy award 8
35Award 8e. Top 50 Netherlands.
35awards 7th
Top 35 netherlands.
35award. 7th
Top 100 Netherlands. Participation 123418 people from 173 countries. Total of 444 thousand photos.
Top 35 Netherlands. 117541 people participation from 173 countries.
35awards dieren in het wild,
Moscow. Top 22 % Wildlife. Mammals contest. Total of 1750 people from 95 countries and 767 cities took part. 6643 photograhs were submitted.
35award. Dieren in het wild.
Roofdieren. Top 23 % Wildlife predators photographer. Top 17 % Wildlife.Predators contest.
Birds contest. Top 26 % Birds photographer. Top 13 % Birds contest.
Top 17% wild cats. Top 17 % Wild cats contest.
Micro wold. Top 30%. Top 12% Micro World contest.Total of 3509 people from 122 countries and 1398 cities took part. 10397 photographs were submitted.
Horned animals Top 18% photographer, Top 21 % Horned animals Contest.
Nocturnal wild animals Top 26 % contest. In total of 1257 people from 100 countries and 707 cities took part. 2538 photographs were submitted.
Wildlife Mammals 13% photographer. Top 19% Contest.2378 people from 117 countries and 1099 cities took part. 5371 photographs were submitted.

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