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District of Columbia, USA
Educator/Teacher: Social Studies: American History. Law Enforcement/Evidence & Crime Scene 2000-2017
Canon Rebel & 7D, Nikon D60
Social Media
I'm a native Marylander/Washingtonian, born in Maryland and raised in Washington, DC, but given the fact, DC was carved out of the former, I'm a Marylander first. I'm retired law enforcement ten years Corrections and seventeen years with DC Police, with expertise in custody, crime scene, and evidence. But I am a photographer first.
On this website, I designated myself as a random photographer because I focus on several areas of photography; portraiture, landscapes, nature, travel, and street photography.
A photographer once asked me if I do headshots? I replied with a yes and informed him that my team and I have fifty-thousand headshots to our name. He looked at and said, "Fifty-thousand?" I explained to him from 2000 to 2010, the Third District Police Station in Washington, DC, made six-thousand plus arrests each year during that decade. That's sixty-thousand plus arrests. And out of that sixty-thousand, fifty-thousand were processed by the evening shift. One officer initiated the search, the other booked, and yours truly acquired the mugshots with the command, "Look straight ahead. Turn your head to the left. Turn your head to the right." I would then instruct the prisoner to step forward to complete the fingerprints.
The remaining ten-thousand arrests are credited to the midnight and day shifts, with the bulk going to midnights. Yes, it can be a tough job, but somebody has to do it. Just make the Best of it.

Skilled Photographer

Nikon Lover

Canon Lover

Portrait Hero

Cityscape Hero

Astrophotography Hero

Street Hero

Aerial Hero

Journalism Hero

Animal Hero

Black & White Hero

Nature Hero

Landscape Hero

Nifty Fifty

Ultra Fast Glass

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